I hate the seduction community, BUT This is hands down the only thing I've come across in this community that I would call helpful. RSD Blueprint and some of Adam lyons stuff is valid, but there's too much trash in them that you have to sort through to make the big leaps.
This guy is the truth. 5/5.
This is the guy I will be warning my daughters about, not people like Mystery, style, Mehow, etc.
This guy is dangerous around women.
This is the guy who I would be afraid to introduce my chick-friends to because I know he would probably end up banging them.
The scariest part?
This guy could be you after reading this book. He does one of the best jobs of convincing you to get out of your seat and just go out and meet people than I've ever seen (forget Demonic Confidence, etc).
He literally has a whole section devoted to my single-worst problem which is particularly GENIUS since it was so applicable to me.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough...
Fucking incredible. And this ant marketing because his leaked ebook is free below.
(seductiondatabase faggots ebook link)
This is one of the best ebooks i would recommend... this guy knows his stuff. I fucking hate almost all pua gurus, but this guy is good. he even has a cult following at theplace.bz.
Its true 60 years of challenge gets more pussy then Meow mix.
Wow, this is amazing content. He boils all of the "game" down to a very simple system that anyone can use right away. One of the best books on game that I've read in a while. Check this out now if you are tired of going out night after night with no success.
Guys i know who his is.... this guy is really good... he isnt one of thos faggot pua gurus... this guy know his shit!!:
When I saw his name, "60 Years of Challenge," I guessed that he was about my age -- well north of 60 -- but this is wrong, he tells us he is in his 30s and assumed this nom de guerre honoring his grandfather, who demonstrated attractive social skills his entrie life.
Let me comment: this guy is a breath of fresh air. He strips away a lot of nonsense and drives to the core. Sure, you can layer in Mystery Method or Gunwitch Method or BadBoy or style or Mehow later, but this guy will get your fundamental character down.
He's not perfect: many of his explanations are muddy and repetitive. But when he talks he makes more sense, with a higher "wheat-to-chaff ratio," than 90% of the authors and speakers featured in theplace.bz.
Go for it. Add more. I'd absorb it all.
Fuck, This is a very fresh addition to the seduction community and some comment really made me laugh out loud (not because its funny, but a simple truth that i never realized before)
If you have only one seduction book, make this the one. I cant stand bullshit, but 60 is one hell of a guru. i might even spend real money on this one. Fuck PUAS and fuck PUA GURUS except for 60yearsofchallenge
his not 60... his in his 30s.
No, his name comes from his grandfather who is married for 60 years (more now) and his grandmother still claims to love him just as much as the first day. So his grandfather has been a challenge for over 60 years hence the name.
i like this guru. his down to earth and he gets bitches.
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Woop! Woop!
No, but my uncle Phil are a member there. He's a bit fat to get chicks only based on his looks. You feel me nihhu?
Here's a pic:
Understand what i'm sayin' nihhu? Woop! Woop!
Carlton. Trick me? That nihhu is crazy! Just check this shit out:
Being fresh out of a monogamous relationship, this book was exactly what I needed to hear. My head was in "business mode" where I was too formal and not escalating what I've read thus far has helped my to become more relaxed on the open and start escalating immediately. I had a good weekend using it, a couple of K closes and solid # that I'm arranging a day 2 for.
I love the idea of holding her hand during the initial handshake, you can seriously FEEL the sexual tension... and this is at 30 seconds in.
This is be the new base of my game... it's surprising how uncalibrated I've became in just a couple months of being in a "lazy relationship"
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OK, I downloaded the ebook and have done a quick scan over the material. This 60yearsofchallenge seem legit.
Yes Henny, this 60 guy seems legit. Good content, nothing you haven't heard before, but I like his spin on things. No overly complex theories, jusr very straightforward, common sense advice. I printed out the first 20 pages (of 98 pages) and I'm reading it now.
We should try and get this guy to the forum.
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I kind of agree......although, I can see a lot of noobs and other social rejects creeping girls out by trying to escalate so fast.